On 5/16/2004 at 7:58 AM, EE ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

E> I have these running which ones should I turn off and how?
E> 21/tcp    open  ftp
E> 22/tcp    open  ssh
E> 25/tcp    open  smtp
E> 53/tcp    open  domain
E> 80/tcp    open  http
E> 111/tcp   open  rpcbind
E> 443/tcp   open  https
E> 631/tcp   open  ipp
E> 745/tcp   open  unknown
E> 752/tcp   open  qrh
E> 757/tcp   open  unknown
E> 767/tcp   open  phonebook
E> 953/tcp   open  rndc
E> 2049/tcp  open  nfs
E> 3306/tcp  open  mysql
E> 6000/tcp  open  X11
E> 10000/tcp open  snet-sensor-mgmt
E> 10026/tcp open  unknown
E> 32768/tcp open  unknown
E> 32769/tcp open  unknown


Ideally you can turn off pretty much all of them. X11 is really the only one you need, 
and thats only because you have your graphical interface. However, some you might 
want, such as Apache Web server (http), SSH (Secure Shell), MySQL database (mysql), 
and Webmin (snet-sensor-mgmt).

If you type chkconfig --list, it will tell you all of the services. If you want to 
know what service is bound to which port, type:

lsof -i :[port number]

Your FTP service is probably proftpd or vsftpd, so look in your chkconfig for that and 
then type chkconfig --del <service>. That only stops it from coming up at boot time. 
To shut it down, either restart your computer, or type:

service <service> stop

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
JWG Networks
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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