Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Jerry....I'm curious as to why you'd want any removable media device to
> automount at bootup?  The media needs to be inserted for the mount to
> occur and that is a bad practice with any removable read/write device.
> Alan
> Jerry Van Brimmer wrote:
> >
> > Sean Armstrong wrote:
> > >
> > > Sysadmin wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I have ordered a zip250, which I think uses the same
> > > > SCSI card as the regular zip 100.
> > > >
> > > > Hmm, now I know how to set it up during installation,
> > > > but is it possible to set it up without running the installer
> > > > by just telling it to load the correct driver assuming one
> > > > has the directories /mnt/zip250 created
> > > > and the moint point in their /etc/fstab file?
> > > >
> > > I think this will work if you have a Zip disk with the proper media on
> > > it inserted into the zip drive at boot up time.  At least it does for
> > > me. My setup could just be a fluke though.
> > > SA
> >
> > Sean,
> > Could you please give me what your line looks like in your fstab file to
> > get your zip to mount at boot time. I have:
> >
> > /dev/sda4       /mnt/zip        auto     defaults   0 0
> >
> > but mine never mounts at bootup time. I always have to run "modprobe
> > ppp" for my system to see my Zip 100 drive.
> >
> > Thanks

It's just that every time I want to use the Zip drive I have to go into
terminal and type "modprobe ppa", and then mount it. I guess I would be
happy if I could just get "modprobe ppa" to run automatically at boot
up. I guess your right, automounting a removable media device at boot up
could be a questionable practice. I just get tired of running "modprobe
ppa" every time I boot up my system. Any thoughts??


Sean - I'd still like to kmow what your fstab looks like.

Thanks in advance,


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