On Tue, 09 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> I have a dilemma in that I have 3 ATAPI devices (CD-R, CD-RW, & TR-4i tape drive) 
>and 1 IDE HD that I would like put in my Linux
> Box.  I know that in Windows you're not supposed to put ATAPI with IDE HardDrives on 
>the same ribbon cable.  Does the same rule
> apply to Linux?  Is that more of a hardware rule than an OS rule?
Why??? I've got an ATAPI CDROM in my Windows 98 box at home
and it's working fine as the final device in the IDE chain.
I'd say give it a shot and don't worry about it. Just make
sure that the IDE hard drive is the primary master, and you
should be set. :-)

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