I have a IDE HD as master on Primary IDE and a ATAPI CDROM as slave on it.
On the Secoundary IDE I have a HP 7200 CDRW as slave in both windows and
linux and all its OK.

I have not tested write cds on linux yet, but I think evertyhing its ok.

Anderson A. eMiranda
Virtualcase Brazil
ICQ #54651099

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] IDE - Mixing HD & CD-RW On Same Cable Running Linux -

>On Tue, 09 Nov 1999, you wrote:
>> I have a dilemma in that I have 3 ATAPI devices (CD-R, CD-RW, & TR-4i
tape drive) and 1 IDE HD that I would like put in my Linux
>> Box.  I know that in Windows you're not supposed to put ATAPI with IDE
HardDrives on the same ribbon cable.  Does the same rule
>> apply to Linux?  Is that more of a hardware rule than an OS rule?
>> Seve
>   I don't believe it is a rule.  Over the years I've had ATAPI
>cdroms, on the same ide as a harddrive, sometimes as master,
>sometimes as slave, in both Windows and Linux.
> --
>.. Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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