On Sun, 1 Aug 2004 11:46:35 -0400
Bryan Phinney disseminated the following:

> > I'm not sure about the security of VNC. The idea of a VPN is to use an
> > encrypted/tunnelling protocol like PPTP for secure connections, I don't
> > think VNC does this, AFAIK.
> In most implementations VNC is tunnelled through SSH.  Therefore, it is as 
> secure as is SSH.

I staaaaaand corrected. Still, a VPN connection is going to provide more
security (properly configured of course) in the sense that it follows the user
and group policies and perms set on the server, whereas VNC is considered a
'local' logon, an ability usually restricted (and rightly so) no?

Moot point really, though, I guess, the OP's sysadmins aren't going to let him
VNC in anyhow.

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
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