Bryan, Charlie, Lyvim,

> chkrootkit -x lkm

Reading, trying to understand and have come to the conclusion that I'm not 
compromised.  Why?  I'll try to explain to the best of my meagre abilities.

I ran chkrootkit and the following showed up.

Checking `lkm'... You have    48 process hidden for readdir command
You have    48 process hidden for ps command
Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed

I wondered about the version I was running, so I uninstalled whatever it was 
(don't remember which ver) and did urpmi chkrootkit.  Ran it and nothing was 
detected.  That ver was .42b.  Unisntalled it and found the other version I 
was running and installed that one.  It is .43.  It found the problem.  When 
I eventually got the command running that Bryan showed me the things that 
showed up were all to do with my Bittorrent Client, Artsd and Firefox.bin.

I shut down the Bittorrent Client and all but three processes dissapeared.  
They were the two tabs in Firefox and one artsd.

So, do you think I am kitted or am I, as I suspect, worrying about nothing 
this time.  I have learnt something this day, so your help isn't for nothing.  
I appreciate it all.  Thanks guys.

      Trevor Rhodes
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 14:12:20 up  9:11,  0 users,  load average: 1.34, 1.30, 1.26
Never mud wrestle with a pig.. you get dirty and the pig enjoys it!
Never try to teach a pig to dance. You waste your time and annoy the pig.
Theoretically pigs can fly if propelled with enough force.

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