On Wednesday 04 August 2004 11:06 pm, Chris wrote:
> I've done that many a time in the couple of years I've been running
> FS and the result is always the same, closed but not stealthed.  Now
> correct me if I'm wrong but FS writes its own rules files in the
> /etc/firestarter/firewall.sh script, correct?  Therefore does
> iptables need to be running or not?

Yes firestarter will not be efective without iptables running, the 
script it writes is for iptables to know what to open, close, or 
steath.  iptables is the firewall, firestarter does nothing more than 
tell it what to do.

Dan Gordon
Wed Aug  4 23:13:56 EDT 2004
 23:13:56 up 1 day,  2:49,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
It just doesn't seem right to go over the river and through the woods
to Grandmother's condo.

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