Tomas Tudja wrote:

1. you really are not? I can't believe that :> !

Well, 1) I haven't been here very long (just today) ...and 2) I'm 99.9% sure you speak english better than I speak your first language.

2. I am running winxp2k2 in vmware virtual machine. Vmware is running on
mdk10.1. Connection between winxp2k2 and mdk is safe, because mdk
connection to network is firewalled. I am using mdk as a gateway for
winxp2k2 running on a virtual machine. It is a good way to enjoy both
systems securelly (but it is also a "hardware eating way" :>)

I've read about VMWare and may do that in the future.
I'm dual-booting winxp and mdk10 on a new emachine - sorry I'm unable to get more technical than that yet - with the mdk on its own 120G hd and the win in the master 80G hd.

It's a big step up from sharing a 6G hd with my spouse (we are now a 2.5-computer household), but I did like the win98 better than the xp.

I gommed up the linux install the first time around and couldn't fix it - linuxcd ended up sending me replacement cds, nice of them - and everything seems fine this time (trying to be more careful) but I still can't use the modem or the printer on the mdk side. Haven't even tried the scanner or CD burner yet.

PS I am here because someone on the linuxchix mailing list said this is a good forum for newbies to learn - and I've already found lotsa nice links in the links section. the "top ten commands" site has been especially helpful so far.


why linux?      because MS is to OS as AOL is to ISP.

"...also, you are using 'free software' now. It tends to suck as much as the stuff that is not free, just in different ways." -Carol S

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