I was thinking and studing about the disk wiping topic and find out some

Disk pattern is a ferromagnetic plate. "Empty spaces" are positions on
this plate, where a disk heads are writing the bits. The bits are
writing by very simple process - there is a little electro-magnet on the
disk head, which is activated by electric drive (I= ~10 to 1000 uA) and
on a position, where the bit have to be writen appears a "permanent"
magnetic mark, which means "1" (if there is no mark on the position,
that means "0").

We now a electromagnetic problematics called "hysteresy loop", which is
telling us: If we try to unmark the marked position on a disk pattern
(which was magnetticaly marked before), there will be a small magnetic
mark left on the "empty place", which will be polarised by other way (90
degrees forward) and will have a 6 to 10 times smaller level as the old
mark. This mark is small, but, of course, can be find on a pattern.
There is no way to unmagnetise the ferromagnetic material once
magnetised. If somebody (probably no one :>>>>>) want to know more about
hysteresy loop, please e-mail me privatelly, because it is Off Topic.
You probably learned about hysteresy loop, if you did study on
electrical high school (in Slovakia - 2nd and 3rd year on Railway School
of Slovak Republic).

That all means: If you write a magnetic mark on a disk pattern once, it
stays there for allways, just will be smaller and polarised by other way
(90, 180 or 270 degrees).

So you probably can know allways, which positions was ever used for a
bit providing an information about "logical one". That probably means
that it is the way to find out what was the vallue of a bit on a disk
before it was overwriten with another vallue, but it is necessary to use
very, very, very sensitive equipment.

I am trying to find out something about, how is the magnetic mark on a
disk pattern changing in according to time and if it is possible to
determine, WHAT mark was on a position in WHAT time. IMHO it is possible
to recover data from a wiped disk only if that is possible.

Thank You

PS: Sorry, I was just wondering, how simple it is, so I wanted all of
you to know it too :>

Tomas Tudja
136 Church Road
N17 8AJ
London, UK

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