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On Monday 09 August 2004 13:50:01, Thereidos wrote:
> Dnia pon 9. sierpnia 2004 21:18, Charlie Mahan napisaÅ:
> > That's about all I know about the software, sorry. It's also probably all
> > I'll ever know about it for the simple reasons that I have a radically
> > edited set of rules that I use for iptables that is specific to my
> > environment, and the only "Fire Wall" I even try to use is shorewall.
> > That's just because it's the default in Mandrake installs and if I don't
> > know what to do with the glitches I'm doing my customers a disservice.
> I think I'm beginning to get the picture. Short question : if I'd like to
> use some bit torrent client listen on certain port should this port remain
> to be stealth or should I leave it open?

 I do believe (HEY! somebody check this please?) the only way you need to open 
anything for any bit-torrent client would be if you were the "super seed" and 
were hosting the torrent yourself. For connections to existing torrents I 
don't think you need to open anything that won't be open enough to 
acknowledge the torrent. Open the app by clicking the torrent link I mean. 
Responses then are restricted to that link and the running application, and 
the firewall should ignore them since they are mostly "ack and syn" packets.

It must work something along those lines. The only way I can make apollon or 
gtk-gnutella run is to open the relevant ports manually before I start. Then 
I have to re-edit my rules for iptables after I shut the application down, 
which I find a time consuming pain in the assets. That makes it hard to grab 
family video etc without waiting for Canada Post and the U.S.P.S., which in 
combination seem a lot slower than the Pony Express ever was.

But during the first 2 days of the recent torrent release of 10.1 Beta1 I 
uploaded over 2 GB without touching the firewall. 60 Kbytes/second upload 
speed average. I had to shut it down so my ISP wouldn't scream at me.

> PS. I'm still wondering why my firestarter window keeps crashing...

I would wonder too. Are you using Firestarter because you had good results 
with it somewhere else or just because? Shorewall is default in Mandrake and 
seems to work in an acceptable manner most of the time. Dan's Guardian has 
also received decent reviews in the past. I'm just curious.

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User #244963 at http://counter.li.org
Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Beta 1) for i586 kernel 2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk
14:00:06 up 4 days, 2:53, 2 users, load average: 0.05, 0.15, 0.12
Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not
original and the part that is original is not good.
                -- Samuel Johnson
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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