Stephen Kühn wrote:
On Sun, 2004-08-15 at 17:56, Amy wrote:

I'm not familiar with postscript files at all, Anything special about them, or is it just basically a sort of text document or something?

As for the pdf file option, it's nice to know I can do that, but I suspect it won't work for me, since pdfs and I usually don't agree all that well. I'm sorely in need of an update on my computer's hardware, and I suspect that might help me when dealing with pdfs, but for now, I avoid them when I can.

At any rate, thanks for the help! ^_^

Sorry - that was a first for me: pdf's and you don't agree?
Have you been attacked by a raging PDF or something or am I having a
flashback here?
stephen kuhn - proprietor

I'm not sure what it is, but pdfs drive me crazy... maybe it's just the programs I've used to access them, but pdfs always seem slow to me. It could also be my hardware, I will be the first to admit I'm in serious need of an upgrade, but I don't have the money for it at the moment.

At any rate, I use xpdf to load pdfs (mostly rule books for rpgs I'm involved in online) and get frustrated with how slow they let me move. I know I tried Adobe's reader they released for Linux, but that was worse than xpdf except for printing support. Though there's a chance that I didn't have the printer set up correctly the first time, and I haven't tried to print any pdfs lately. *shrugs*

You didn't answer my question about postscript files though... what's so special about them?

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