On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 10:25:04 -0400
Bryan Phinney disseminated the following:

> Ahhh, right.  I mean, why would a hacker bother to try to hit Linux when all 
> he would manage to do is compromise thousands of machines that make up the 
> entire Internet backbone.  I mean, what would be the good in, say 
> compromising all the google clusters and disrupting the primary search engine 
> of the Internet?  The other script kiddies would probably laugh you out of 
> the Internet cafe when talking about that compared to, oh, sending out a 
> brain-dead virus built from a kit, using a vulerability that was published a 
> year ago, that hits home users who haven't updated their software since they 
> bought their computer.  Yeah, it must be that whole windows popularity thing, 
> I am sure that the comparitive difficulty in targeting Linux over windows has 
> absolutely nothing to do with it.  Pull the other one.

ROFLMAO! Nice...that's a keeper.

The far less amusing version, dare I post it again:


JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
10:42:22 up 17 days, 10:25, 8 users, load average: 0.16, 0.26, 0.25
"92 per cent of Iraqis regard US troops as occupiers, while 2 per cent see them
as liberators, according to a Coalition Provisional Authority poll." --
Financial Times, June 17 2004

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