On Sat, 21 Aug 2004 12:03:31 -0600
Charlie Mahan disseminated the following:

> > > ...because we're being inundated by MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express and
> > > web-based email clients as opposed to the normal RFC standard text based
> > > email clients properly configured?
> > >
> > > ...or maybe no one reads the list Ettiquette?
> > >
> > > ...or maybe Kommandant Hill isn't being the proper list Nazi he usually
> > > is?
> Or maybe all of the above in strange and unusual new combinations? (-: Joe 
> isn't paying attention?
> SCHULTZZZZZZ!!!!! Kommandant Klink needs you. Besides I've been adding to the 
> hijack. Punish Stephen and I you slacker.
> Did that work?

I fulfilled my duties. See below, in response to one of Vincent's posts in the
'Screenshots' thread, I even dinged him on the line wrap thing fer chrissakes.

Jeez, his mail client doesn't even *quote*. 

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
17:09:09 up 17 days, 16:52, 8 users, load average: 1.52, 1.55, 1.56
"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president
would have been hanged." -- Noam Chomsky

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