On Mon, 23 Aug 2004 02:33:58 +0200
Kaj Haulrich disseminated the following:

> Bofore doing any further USA-bashing, I'd like you to consider :

I did not intend any 'bashing', as I said, I only meant to point out that this
phenomena is present and growing (at varying degrees) in most of the Western
world. I don't think you can ascribe it to socialism, conservatism, or whatever
philosophy, which Hoyt seemed to be doing.

> Can the police search your home at will ?

Yep. The police in my country can detain me at will without charge, for any
reason they see as a 'National Security Issue'. Nice, huh? And guess where we
got that idea? Yep. From the good ol' US of A, which with the Patriot Act in
effect, grants police there the same 'privleges'. And our government calls
themselves 'The Liberal Party'. LOL!

> Can your government read your harddisk ?

Oh probably, but then probably so can most governments, if they have the will.
And there's just as many 'Conservative' governments as 'Socialist' among those
that do. Right wing, left wing, they're all just as bad.

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.freeyourmachine.org
19:51:52 up 19 days, 19:35, 9 users, load average: 1.24, 1.23, 1.25
"The Chretien government's decision not to enter the Iraq war is a defining
moment in Canada's foreign-policy history. It is now supported, according to a
recent CBC poll, by a staggering 79 per cent of the population." -- Globe and
Mail, June 3, 2004

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