The best way to fix all of this is to format your drive, install Linux and
install wine.

I am really surprise to find how many schools have gone the Windows route
when there are so many free Linux distributions available and many of the
office packages are as good if not better than Microsoft's versions.

Only Bill Gates can get away with charging top dollar for a second rate
product that is traditionally shipped with bugs in it and can have the
attitude of, we'll get to that later.

I doubt any of us would still be running Linux, let alone IBM scrapping OS/2
and taking on a Linux distribution of their own if it had half the troubles
that Microsoft has had.

I'm disappointed that Mandrake doesn't seem to include a copy of xkill with
it's distribution, it was the best part of the old release.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kaj Haulrich
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OT - Request for advice on Windows XP

On Tuesday 24 August 2004 18:21, PM wrote:

<big whack>

> Hi Kaj,
> I see you've received plenty of replies re adaware, Zone Alarm
> etc.
> You say that you need XP for school related apps, but does this
> include internet access?
> If not, I would suggest you dual-boot, set up a FAT 32 partition
> to store data that can be read by both XP & Linux, and use Linux
> for emails, web. file transfers, etc. yes, virii can be
> transferred by a linux box, but you'll stand a better chance of
> catching it.
> Paul M

Hoyt, Bryan, Franki, Lyvim, Todd, Lanman, PM, Thereidos, Wally, 
Charlie !!!!!!

What a wonderful list this is. Thank you all.

Here's a (compressed) battle report from the XP front :

The fool (me) ran Windows-update first. Apparently a big mistake.
Next, I installed OpenOffice and Moxilla directly from the net, 
using IE. Big mistake, I suppose. Then ZoneAlarm. Then AGV 
antivirus. (which seems to work well).

After that I cleaned up with XoftSpy, getting rid of another 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] of malware. (some of it re-installs immidiately).

Now - after about 5 hours of intense shelling, every time I daringly 
peep up from my foxhole, this box attracts enemy fire from 
artillery, flame-throwers, machine guns and whatnot. ZoneAlarm is 
on overtime, popping up every other second.

I guess all those defenses are chewing up most of my CPU cycles, 
what with the system becoming incredibly slow.

If I hadn't been warned of Windows by the years on this list, I'd 
never believe my own eyes : what a mountain of manure, this XP !
Crappy isn't the word.... Jeez......

Tomorrow I'll work on with this ¤%&## "operating system" following 
all your kind advice, but : I WILL DO IT OFF LINE. I intend to 
download the suggested programs onto my Mandrake box, burn the lot 
to CD and install from there.

Furthermore, I got an agreement with my daughter : until further 
notice, she will do ALL of her networking from my Linux box (she is 
a user here) and only do some schoolwork on the Windows box, as you 
suggested. Clumsy, but necessary.

If everything fails, I will buy a router or let her connect through 
my Linux box, eventually, but I'm too lazy and frustrated to set it 
up right now.  

I cannot for my souls sake get into my head, that some people 
voluntarily runs this garbage OS.

But that's me....

Thanks again, folks

Kaj Haulrich.

*sent from a 100% Microsoft-free workstation*
         * *
*Running Linux (Mandrake 10.0) - kernel 2.6.7*

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