On Wednesday 25 August 2004 18:55, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
  If on the other hand you are
> seeing worms after a clean and a reboot then something is badly
> wrong.  This is all assuming that you have reinstalled. ?  So did
> you reinstall from the restore cd's or are you still working with
> the original mess?

Re-installed from the restore CD's, created on first boot-up.

Now, friends..........

I initiated this thread with an apology, and I want to emphasize 
this apology right now :

I feel I have been a annoyance to you all, bringing this highly 
Off-Topic matter up on an otherwise clean and decent list. But I am 
extremely grateful to all of you. You have brought me insight into 
an utterly obscure an inferior world of computing.

My daughters PC and I have agreed on an armstice : It will remain 
disconnected from all and everything until I receive new CD's from 
HP. Then - maybe - I will try again, now armed with all your advice 
and one CD full of antispyware/antivirus/antiworm/firewall weapons 
downloaded and burned via Linux. And NO networking until at least 7 
scans reveils NO malware whatsoever. And, if after 5 minutes online 
it shows the slightest sign of infection : goodbye to networking 
for good.

I can say this with a clean conscience : my daughter need this crap 
for one thing, and one thing only : the math application by Texas 
Instruments, called Derive. She can use her box for that. And I 
will install OpenOffice on it. Then she can use it as she wants. 
She agreed to do all her networking (which is mostly e-mail and 
surfing) from her account on my Mandrake box.

Failsafe - don't you think ?

So...... Let us bring this thread to an unhappy conclusion :

Either I am the dumbest person who ever powered up a PC - or 
Microsoft should be expelled from the Internet until they come up 
with a real operating system.

Thank you all.

Kaj Haulrich.
*sent from a 100% Microsoft-free workstation*
         * http://haulrich.net *
*Running Linux (Mandrake 10.0) - kernel 2.6.7*

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