This is a bit off-topic maybe.  Somebody mentioned SpinRite the other
day in the context of disk recovery so I investigated the
site.  Apparently SpinRite 6.0 supports Linux filesystems via a DOS program,
but the user does not need to own DOS.  It sounded like worthwhile
insurance, so I paid for the licence and downloaded the .exe and went
back to the site for information on how to use it.  Nothing doing, so
I emailed support only to get the runaround.  No actual help, just a
pointer to the author's email service.  On closer inspection it turns
out that he does not answer individual queries, so support is actually
non-existent. And, his last email bulletin dates back to the beginning
of 2002, before SpinRite 6 and before Linux support.  ?? 

My assumption was that the file should be turned into an ISO and burnt
to CD.  That would leave the question of DOS.  The files at all seem to be .exes, which I assumed are self-extracting
versions of DOS to be copied to a floppy, which would require Windows
or DOS to run, and a FAT partition as well.

So, should I ask for my money back?

Len Lawrence

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