On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 04:09:28 -0400
Allan Mills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Tuesday 07 September 2004 01:29, Len Lawrence wrote:
> > This is a bit off-topic maybe.  Somebody mentioned SpinRite the
> > other day in the context of disk recovery so I investigated the
> > grc.com site.  Apparently SpinRite 6.0 supports Linux filesystems
> > via a DOS program, but the user does not need to own DOS.  It
> > sounded like worthwhile insurance, so I paid for the licence and
> > downloaded the .exe and went back to the site for information on
> > how to use it.  Nothing doing, so I emailed support only to get
> > the runaround.  No actual help, just a pointer to the author's
> > email service.  On closer inspection it turns out that he does
> > not answer individual queries, so support is actually
> > non-existent. 
> Len:
> Apologies for inserting this response several days after your 
> original post.  Perhaps I can clarify a little bit about your 
> perception that SpinRite 6.0 does not work as advertised with Linux 
> filesystems.  Both SpinRite 5.0 (which I've used) and SpinRite 6.0 
> actually run off a bootable floppy disk, and are totally 
> independent of the operating system you have installed on your hard 
> drive.  The floppy uses FreeDOS as the environment it works in on 
> the floppy, but that has nothing to do with (i.e., is independent 
> of) what OS is on your computer.  It's a self-contained tool on the 
> floppy.  You do not have to have Windows installed or be a Windows 
> user to use the program and its tools.
> Regarding support and help:  there are excellent support forums at 
> GRC (which Steve Gibson does monitor and participate in) the 
> following newsgroup server:  news.grc.com.  If I recall correctly, 
> there is a group specifically for SpinRite 6.0 issues (there are 
> Linux forums as well).  The people there are friendly, helpful, and 
> knowledgable.  These are excellent forums (actually newsgroups) 
> even aside from any discussion of SpinRite (in my opinion).
> I'm not trying to tell you what to do (about asking for a refund), 
> but your stated reason for wanting the refund (that the SpinRite 
> program requires Windows, or is exclusive of Linux) wasn't quite 
> accurate.  Good luck no matter what you choose.
Thanks for the clarification.  That is the kind of information I had been 
looking for.  On a quick search I had not found any Linux support links and
could not spare any more time.  Anyway, GRC were kind enough to give a refund
so I shall leave it there.


Len Lawrence

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