Thanks a lot for replying...
well actually i 'm using an ftp program on my windows box to download the
distro mdk 10 into a windows folder: this seems reasonable for i can't have
an internet connexion with my mdk 7.2...
when i'm done with the download i'll create a boot floppy as you desribed to
me : with hd.img
Now my question : is this enough to be able to install ? will the install
launch when i boot from the floppy ?
how will the install prog know where to find the packages which are on a win
folder C:\Linux10\ ?
i guess there might be another step to configure the floppy for booting from
the win folder ?
please feedback on this last step issue
thanks a lot

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erylon Hines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] configuer a boot floppy for mdk 10 installation

On Monday 13 September 2004 08:31 am, othman El Moulat wrote:
| Hi guys;
| i'm willing to upgrade to mdk 10 ...I have downloaded all the distro into
| windows folder : c:\Linux10\ now i want to be able to install mdk 10 into
| my system...I guess i need first to create a boot floppy which i hope is
| quit a straighforward task...The issue here is how can i configure this
| boot floppy so that it could install from my windows folder
| is there any other simpler method to install without a boot floppy ? from
| my windows folder ? details would be very welcomed...
| thanks for helping

>From the readme on the install disk:

 If your computer cannot boot from the CDROM, you must make a
   boot floppy under Windows as follows:

     * insert the CDROM, then open the icon "My Computer", right click on
       the CDROM drive icon and select "Open"
     * go into the "dosutils" directory and double-click on the
       "rawwritewin" icon
     * insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive
     * select "D:\images\cdrom.img" in the "Image File" field (assuming
       that your CDROM drive is "D:", otherwise replace "D:" as needed)
     * select "A:" in the "Floppy Drive" field then click on "Write".

   To begin the installation:

     * insert the CDROM in the drive, as well as the boot floppy, then
     * restart the computer.

How I do it:
 Make a partition on you hd big enough for the disks and copy your Mandrake
disks to that.  I wouldn't use my Windows partition if Linux is already
installed (this is an upgrade, right?), because you may have to re-install
Windows sometime in the future, and that is inconvenient, but I would make a
separate partition just for the disks. I usually make a Reiser of about 2.5
gigs and mount the partition (mine is /dev/hda8 with the mountpoint of
/dev/hd).  Then you can follow the instructions for a hd install and make a
hd.img floppy (I think they are still on the first install disk).

to make a hd.img boot floppy:

     * Under Linux (or other modern UNIX systems) type at prompt:
       $ dd if=hd.img of=/dev/fd0
     * Under Windows, follow the method described above, but using
      hd.img instead of cdrom.img.
     * Under DOS, assuming your CD is drive D:, type:
       D:\> dosutils\rawrite.exe -f images\hd.img -d A

During the install you will have a chance to choose to upgrade.  Be
forewarned--some upgrades go fine, and some will totally screw your system,
so backup everything you want to keep, just in case you have to go back and
do a full install.



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