> >   can someone sugest nice script for making tar arcives with
> >   given size from given folder, presuming that data in folder is
> >   more than given volume size; that volumes must be independet
> >   form each other(no file spliting); that volume name is "smart"
> >   (e.g. vol1.tar; vol2.tar vol3.tar; ...)

> I've been thinking about the same thing. Haven't come across a
> tool to do it yet (though I've haven't searched all that hard).
> I sometimes use the following type of command to create a
> compressed tarball:
>       tar cvf - . | gzip -9 > tarball.tgz

YMMV, but i don't compress backup because it's easier for them to
become corrupted.  (i am paranoid).


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