On Saturday 16 Oct 2004 17:26, Jack wrote:
> Hi... I am a newbie to Linux and I have a related question:  I have
> installed a couple of video capture programs and both complain about not
> having video4linux drivers.  I've looked high and low for these drivers
> and the closest I've come is RivaTV (which didn't work).
I may have missed something - if so, accept my apologies.  I don't recall ever 
hearing you say that v4l is installed - have you checked that?  If not, 
install it,

You then need to add
Load v4l 
into the Modules section of /etc/X11/XF86-4.conf (if you are using xorg 
someone else will have to tell you where to put this).

You may also need 
in modprobe.preload


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