Today at 10:58, Ron Hunter-Duvar wrote:

> On September 27, 2004 18:53, Russell W. Behne wrote:
> > I just tried to use OpenOffice for the first time in a long time.
> > When I opened a .doc file OpenOffice started up in German. I prefer
> > to use it in English, but can't find how to switch it to English.
> > How do I do this?

> I just had the same problem with a fresh Mdk 10.1 install. I presume
> that it's the new version of OO that comes with 10.1 that is the
> problem. Have you installed updates since the last time you used it?

I have Mandrake 10.0 inctalled, with all available updates.

> Anyway, I don't have a solution yet either. I was trying to guess my
> way through the configuration dialogs to set it back to English, but
> no luck yet.
Well, I know a smattering of German, and there's nothing in the menu 
dialogs to control the language at all. There must be something else 

                         Visit my nursery:
                  The Behne Family Genealogy Project:

Should we continue to trust Bush as our leader? Read this, then you  decide:

----------------------=====[Russell's Quotes 1]=====----------------------

 The family of Fools is ancient.

--------------------=====[Russell's Quotes 2]=====------------------------

 Impudent Jack, who now lives by his shifts,
 Borrowing of driblets, boldly begging gifts,
 For twenty shillings lent him t'other day,
 (By one who ne'er expected he would pay,)
 On his friend's paper fain a note wou'd write.
 His friend, as needless, did refuse it quite;
 Paper was scarce, and 'twas too hard, it's true,
 To part with cash, and loose his paper too.

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