On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 08:53:52 -0400
Todd Slater disseminated the following:

> But note on the lists how many posts there are about upgrading to KDE
> 3.whogivesashit compared to gnome.

Well, IIRC, KDE is 'just there' when you install MDK, no? So I'm betting there
are a lot more people using KDE on this list than Gnome. Couple that with people
wanting their desktops to look more and more like OSX, and KDE is kicking butt.
GDesklets do a piss poor job (as James has pointed out) of achieving the level
of 'eye candy' that KDE has with things like SuperKaramba and all that crap.

JoeHill RLU / #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
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