On Fri, 1 Oct 2004 00:50:35 +0200
H.J.Bathoorn disseminated the following:

> > Hey jerkoff, you might want to actually visit those URL's and notice they
> > are *out of date*.
> heh heh,trust you to notice!;)
> It should be in the welcome message:
> "Don't RTFM when Joe Hill's about or you'll get cussed at" ;D

I don't mind the odd 'polite' RTFM, but hey, at least don't be such a beast
about it, and make some effort to at least know of what you speak, eh?

JoeHill RLU / #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
19:13:37 up 57 days, 19:01, 6 users, load average: 1.23, 1.25, 1.28
"It's hard to find a nonpartisan national security analyst with a good word for
the Bush administration's foreign policy. Iraq, in particular, is a slow-motion
disaster brought on by wishful thinking, cronyism and epic incompetence." --
Paul Krugman, New York Times, Sept. 7 2004

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