Today at 08:54, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> the address is reserved as "local host" and you'll be having
> some trouble trying t get that range of numbers to work. On a private
> lan you should use ranges like or ....where
> xxx goes up to 254.

That  right. I didn't realize until after I clicked `send' that i put there, I did mean, but didn't remember that
particular number at the time.  I'll use for the server, 
then and for the hosts.

> What you want is all very feasible but as apparently you have no idea what 
> so-ever about networking:


> Browse through a book about setting up a network (for beginners) first!
> It should save you a lot of frustration setting up and maintaining your lan.
> You don't want us to set up your want  to do it yourself, don't you?
Hmmmm.... Actually, it would be nice if y'all do drop in and do it all
for me, but I'd just as soon everyone just guide me and I'll do all the
configuring myself, so that I get familiar with what's what. That way,
once it's done, should there be a problem later on, I'll have an idea
where to look. I would just like some guidance from folks that have been
there before me, so as to prevent getting into common mistakes
(particularly in regards to security.) Also, books can be loaded with 
so many obtuse examples and chit-chat- that I get confused on just what 
I _need_ to do, and what I need to ignore.
        I did receivee another, longer, letter from someone else with 
helpfull comments, but I'll have to wait until I get some sleep before 
continuing. It's 3:30 am here, so I'll get some rest and start fresh 
`tomorow'. By then I may also have a few more helpfull answers, and 
every little bit will help!

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----------------------=====[Russell's Quotes 1]=====----------------------

 ``More and more of our imports come from overseas.''
 --G. W. Bush, (Source: Slate)
 [Just how thick-headed can a guy be? --Russ.]

--------------------=====[Russell's Quotes 2]=====------------------------

 To err is human, to repent divine; to persist devilish.

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