Oct 20 at 00:20, Derek Jennings wrote:
> If you look at the ifconfig display for eth1 and eth2 you will notice that you 
> have not assigned them an IP address.
> You need to create files called /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1  and 
> ifcfg-eth2 containing for example
> DEVICE=eth1
> BOOTPROTO=static
> ONBOOT=yes
> Then do 'service network restart' in a root terminal. alternatively
> just go through the connection GUI in Mandrake Control centre. It will
> do the same thing.

The 2 appropriate files already exist, created in Mandrake Control 
Center. I did a 'service network restart' for the heck of it, and among 
the messages I got these 2:

Bringing up interface eth1:  [FAILED]
Bringing up interface eth2:  [FAILED]

Got an idea what's wrong?

> BTW: Please remove the "Reply To" in your mail client.
> (Second time of asking)

Sorry. I've been looking for the place in my pine con fig to stop that,
but I can't find it for some reason. The mailing list software is
supposed to strip out that header and replace it with one for the list,
but it isn't. (When I used to run SmartList here, it did so
automatically.) I'm having to manually delete that line every time I
write an email, and it's a pain. If you can tell me how to get pine to
stop doing that, I'd really appreciate it!

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