On Sunday 31 October 2004 02:17, Russell W. Behne wrote:
> Oct 20 at 01:38, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> > For one: I've never used 2 or more networkcards for the same net on
> > the same PC before (I use a hub....cheap&efficient) but I don't think
> > it poses a problem. They should be connected with a "crossover cable"
> > (comparable to a "nul modem" serial cable) otherwise you're going to
> > get nowhere!! You're not using "straight through" cat5, right?
> The cable package says Belkin FastCAT5e Network Cable, with RJ45 male
> connectors on each end. Are you saying that I have to switch a couple
> wires on one end of these cables?
> > Both the kids PC's are configured using static IP (11 & 12) so you
> > should setup the connected nics accordingly....i.e. "ifconfig eth1
> > up" and what'll happen when you "ifconfig eth2
> > up"......Don't know??? Maybe you could use a diferent subnet there
> > like 192.168.1. and rename one of the 2 kids and bridge
> > the two nics...that I know howto, keep it for later:)
> OK, I changed the ip numbers, did the `ifconfig ethx 192.168.x.x up'
> thing, and now the route works:
> Kernel IP routing table (on behne.us)
> Destination  Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref  Use Iface
>   *        U     0      0      0 eth0
>  *        U     0      0      0 eth2
>  *        U     0      0      0 eth1
>    *            U     0      0      0 lo
> default      va-staff-u1-c3f         UG    0      0      0 eth0
> And pings now work to both hosts from the server:
> ping -c1 jackie ; ping -c1 jennifer
> PING jackie.behne.us ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from jackie.behne.us ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64
> time=0.122 ms
> --- jackie.behne.us ping statistics ---
> 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.122/0.122/0.122/0.000 ms
> PING jennifer.behne.us ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from jennifer.behne.us ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64
> time=0.119 ms
> ...and that's odd, since host jennifer is a Windblows box not properly
> configured yet. (I keep getting the error message `network cable
> unplugged' --- and no clue, since it is plugged in.)
>       Host jackie (MDK 9.1) can ping the server and gets responses
> just fine, but nothing else works yet. I tried a browser to
> http://behne.us (which should work within my localnet,) but it gets a
> `can't connect' message.

You're getting there:)
Apparently you have crossover cabling oherwise you wouldn't be able to ping 

For  Jennifer and Jackie to get www names resolved you need to tell their 
boxes where the name server for the outside-world is. They're both going via 
the main box so: edit "/etc/resolv.conf" with the following command (as root) 
"cat nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf" on Jackie. As Jennifer has a 
winblows box you'll have to muck with the IP/TCP "properties" somewhere and 
add as nameserver.

Make sure to either edit the network scripts as Greg said or use mandrake 
control centre for your network settings....otherwise you'll lose all your 
settings (except /etc/resolv.conf) at a reboot.

Having jackie and Jennifer on 2 different subnets means they both can 
communicate with the main box and the internet but not with each other.
If you want to have that too, you can bridge the 2 nics with "bridge-utils".
You'll probably have to install the package though.
Good luck,

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