Today at 08:57, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> You're getting there:) Apparently you have crossover cabling otherwise
> you wouldn't be able to ping directly.

Actually, I discovered that's not what's happening. I was wondering why
I was getting ping responses, but nothing else works. I did a telnet
jackie 25, and to my surprise I was connected to the mail server. It was
surprising because I didn't recall ever installing one on jackie. So I
did a telnet jennifer 25, and when I found myself connected to the same
mail server I knew something was wrong. I ran nmap against both hosts
and found that in both cases it was reporting my server's condition. I
now believe that since I don't have crossover cabling the ping responses
are false, and apparently each nic is `bouncing' all tcp/ip frames back
at the server's kernel, which responds back to the nic cards, which in
turn bounce the frames back at the terminal. I have no idea why it's
acting this way, but that's what's happening. I will simply have to get
a switch - no doubt about it now.

> For Jennifer and Jackie to get www names resolved you need to tell
> their boxes where the name server for the outside-world is. They're
> both going via the main box so: edit "/etc/resolv.conf" with the
> following command (as root)  "cat nameserver >
> /etc/resolv.conf" on Jackie. As Jennifer has a winblows box you'll
> have to muck with the IP/TCP "properties" somewhere and add
> as nameserver.

Done all that, but I'll have to redo it as soon as I get the switch and 
reassign ip addresses again.

> Make sure to either edit the network scripts as Greg said or use
> mandrake control centre for your network settings....otherwise you'll
> lose all your settings (except /etc/resolv.conf) at a reboot.
> Having jackie and Jennifer on 2 different subnets means they both can
> communicate with the main box and the internet but not with each
> other. If you want to have that too, you can bridge the 2 nics with
> "bridge-utils". You'll probably have to install the package though.

The switch should solve this too, shouldn't it? I hope so. With the
switch they'll be put back on the same subnet. I'll probably be back
with other problems after the switch is installed --- and hopefully
running right.


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