On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 17:46:24 +0200
Sandaruwan Wijenayake disseminated the following:

> Just for an explanation... I come up with this problem when I needed to
> install a package that I got as a source rpm. I tried to build it in my home
> PC and find out that I need to install "rpm-build" package which is not
> included in installation CDs. So today I downloaded it from my office
> network. But now I'm not sure if I have all dependent packages needed to
> install this new package. I need to do this in weekend and if there are
> something missing, I may not be able to download till Monday since I do not
> have internet access.

I'm surprised that the rpm-build package is not on the CD's... :-\

Building a source RPM is going to require, most likely, a lot more than the
rpm-build package. You are going to need the appropriate devel libs, which also
may or may not be on the CD's.

Check out the rpm/urpmi section on the Mandrake Twiki:


In this case, what you want to do is rpm -R <packagename>, it will give you all
the dependencies. 'man rpm' is your friend ;-)

Just out of curiosity, what is the RPM you are trying to build? It's quite
possible that it is available as a binary RPM, which would save you a lot of
headaches, considering your situation.

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view and from the charter point of view it was illegal." -- Kofi Annan, Sept
15th 2004

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