On Friday 22 October 2004 07:39 pm, Tom & Karen Pino wrote:
> A message which was sent to you by "Russ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has been
> identified by our virus filter as being contaminated with a virus. For your
> protection, the original message has been placed into the greymail
> quarantine area. To review the text only portion of the message, you may
> log into your greymail area and click on the message(s) in red.
> I do not know that this has to do with Russell W. Behne, but I also get
> things that claim to come from me inspite of increased security at rangeweb
> and constant attention to security by my security guy (me) to virus and
> spyware crap (have never had a virus).  The subject line is "Re: Hello".
> I am surely not trying to cast any doubt on anyone here.  I do think that
> this my be something that would need the attention of everyone on the list.
>  This may be a breach of security at my ISP.  I am not calling them this
> weekend.  Have been sorting cattle for shipment all day and ship tomorow
> and Tuesday.  Am not up to interigation.
> Decided I did need to send this to you good folks, though.
> By the way, got an e-mail from my son today from his Linux machine.  He
> will probably be inflicting himself on you directly.  I he is happy with
> his machine, mine will be heading that way very soon.

Hi Tom. I wouldn't seriously worry about it - lots of these viruses nowdays 
are spoofing their from addresses anyway, and trying to track down the real 
culprit isn't always easy. The best thing to do is to keep YOUR machines 
updated (if you're on Windows, install adequate virus protection and don't 
intentionally open any attachment that comes through, even if it shows to be 
someone you trust), and if you're having doubts about the integrity of your 
own machine, then go the extra mile to make sure it's not. If you're 
wondering about someone elses PC, well, let them take care of that - it's 
their problem (someone will let them know about it sooner or later, and it'll 
no doubt be someone who has a little more time on their hands).

Most of us on this list run strictly Linux, or at least a dual boot system 
where they hide out in Linux as often as they can, learning it as they go. I 
myself have been on nothing but Linux for the past 5 years or so (except for 
one of my systems at work which I'm required to run XP on, but hey, if it was 
easy then it wouldn't be work), and frankly, viruses don't even catch a 
second look from me. Give it some time - I'm sure you and your son will be 
the same way...

Take care,
Randall Hobbs
Programmer - System Administrator - Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc.
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