On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:52:16 +1000
Stephen Kühn disseminated the following:

> Well pfffft!
> I hate things starting up without my expressly starting them. 

...like when you start KDE? ;-) That was my point, .xinitrc, or whatever script
is what allows you to do just that: be in total control.

> Although I have many MANY window manglers/desktops installed, I stay in what
> works best for me - XFce4 - and not about to change that neither (unless E17
> ever makes the light of day) - hence, Xtart has been my fave.

XFCE4 is definitely my second fav to Pek. If only it had autoprops/autogrouping,
I would be *so* there. I've even been known to use XFCE4 with Pek as my WM. It's
kinda cool.

> BTW, I have checked out PekkerWM in the past (it is installed) but found
> that it doesn't come close to being suitable for my usage...but as is
> said, some folks like coffee, some folks like tea and some folks just
> can't come to realise that PekWM sucks. (grin)

Pffffft! yerself. It's 'missing' a lot, that's for sure, in the sense that it is
almost as minimalist as something like Oroborus. That's what I like, though,
minimalist. XFCE4 is definitely the best Desktop Environment, bar none. It has
everything a newb could want, plus a lot the power user could need, except the
autoprops/autogrouping...oh, and the scriptable/dynamic menus. Can XFCE do


I can access any file in my home dir from the root menu with two clicks.

...and there's a *lot* more:


Heh, I bet the OP never thought he'd start a WM/DE war ;-)

JoeHill / RLU #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
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