Today at 00:00, Russell W. Behne wrote:
> I'm trying to follow the instructions in 
> to build a root filesystem for 
> a pair of boxes. Under ``3.2 Creation of the root filesystem'' it says 
> to do ``tar cClf / - | tar xpCf /tftpboot - '', but I get this error 
> message:
>       tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
>       Try `tar --help' for more information.
> Now, I can't grok any help that way. What should I do instead? Is there 
> some way of gettingg this done?

Nevermind. I've decided that since the two hosts do have small hard 
drives, that I'll just put the kernel there. It'll be easier that 
decrypting outdated howtos, save some space on the server, and speed up 
the boot process. They both boot up fine, and I have been able to get 
one to mount the home directory from the server so far. After getting 
all the other remote filesystems to mount I'll have to work on getting 
nis going.  G'night!

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