First off, disregard my question about updating mplayer and all that. Forgot I
don't have to remove it first, just urpmi'd everything and it went swimmingly.

Updated mplayer, the win32 codecs, and the mplayer plugin.

Still no go on the Daily Show, so I tried the other one I wanted working, Well, my e-mail, and perhaps many others, resulted in this:

Scroll down and...whoa! For Unix users! They *listened*! Well, Gentoo isn't
Unix, but I'm not gonna get picky with them on that.

Anyhow, they gave me the tip I needed: I went and got the *latest* mplayer
plugin here:

urpmi'd mozilla-devel, built the plugin, and copied it to my Firefox plugins
directory, and...voila! Daily Show clips and the CBC are playin' fine! In fact,
the CBC has even made their stream available in OGG format!

So if you're having trouble with these or any other Windows Media format
streams, get the latest mplayer plugin, it works great.

JoeHill / RLU #282046 /
10:51:59 up 88 days, 11:42, 8 users, load average: 0.44, 0.36, 0.26
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