Thanks Steve.  I like that explanation.

Jaguar, you can also check out  Tom Berger, the 
site maintainer, also has a good page on this file structure topic.


>From: Steve Philp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: general info on where files are kept
>Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:26:01 -0500
>Jaguar wrote:
> >
> > Is there a HOWTO on the basic file types, and where certain types are 
> > ie: as in *.DOC is a document, *.INI is an initialization file located 
>in the
> > Windows SUB-DIR.
>You can usually tell what type of file it is by using the command:
>       file <filename>
>It will respond with it's type.
>For beginners, system configuration files are in /etc.  Files necessary
>to boot the system are in /bin, /sbin, /lib, /boot, and /etc.  System
>administration files are in /sbin and /usr/sbin.  Libraries are kept in
>/usr/lib.  The X Window System is stored in /usr/X11R6.  Local software
>installations typically go in /usr/local.  Files that change frequently
>get stored in /var.  /tmp _used_ to be cleaned at each boot, but I'm not
>sure if that's true anymore (and I'm not interested enough to check the
>boot script).  System daemons and other services are launched from
>scripts within /etc/rc.d.  /opt is typically used for large commercial
>packages like StarOffice, etc.
>Hope that brief rundown gives you a general idea of things...
> > I guess what I would like is to understand the why's/where's of the file
> > structure and naming convention's of Linux.  Maybe knowing what is what 
> > allow me to get a better grip on Linux.  As I see it, when I install a 
> > program, unless it creates a link TO the file in a menu, I have NO clue 
> > it ends up on the HD.  Only using the FIND FILE can I try to narrow it 
> > and even then I can't always find them...:(
>If the files come in an .rpm package, you can use the command:
>       rpm -ql <package>
>to list the files contained in the package.  If you find a file and
>wonder what package it came from, you can use:
>       rpm -qf <filename>
>To get a brief description of the package, use:
>       rpm -qi <package>
> > Sorry to be long winded, but as a newbie, I am sure other's have similar
> > problems, and understanding them might make it easier on me/us.
>There is a document called the Linux Filesystem Heirarchy which goes
>into much more detail about the hows and whys of the filesystem layout.
>If you ever get a free weekend and are still curious about it, do a web
>search.  It's a great document for understanding WHY things are placed
>where they are.  It's also a little frustrating to realize that the
>thing is a couple years old and distributions STILL violate it's
>Steve Philp
>Network Administrator
>Advance Packaging Corporation

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