On Wednesday 10 Nov 2004 12:14, Merlin Zener wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running 10.0, having recently upgraded from 9.0. I'm trying to get
> my USB card reader to work, and I went to the Apacer site and they say
> to edit my modules.conf file. But when I try to save the edited file it
> complains I don't have permission.
> So I'm guessing I need to be root to do it; 

> but now that I'm on 10.0 I 
> can't log in as root any more. It only gives me two choices [the two
> usernames I set up] at login time. In 9.0 I could just type in "root" in
> the login field and the password; it would warn me something about
> running graphics as root [can't remember exactly] but it would let me in
> anyhow. But now I can't - there's nowhere to type!
I think that's the login manager you are using.  I can do it that way, but I 
don't - there are better ways.

> I can open a text window and "SU", but then edit modules.conf only gives
> me:
> bash: edit: command not found
To do it that way you would have to do something like 'vi modules.conf' - not 
for the fainthearted, if you are not familiar with vi.

BTW, are you sure it is modules.conf you need?  It probably isn't if you are 
running a 2.6 kernel.  Most things are specified in /etc/modules.preload for 
2.6 kernels.  Modules.conf is for 2.4 kernels.

Try this -
Open a terminal, type
kdesu konqueror
give the root password
Find your file and right-click to open with the editor of your choice.

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