> This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
> ------------=_1100809020-1263-5226
> Dear all,
> This is my first post: I am turning to you for help for a minor
> inconvenience.
> I have two linux boxes, a home dual-boot machine (it also has XP for my
> kid's
> games) and a uniquely Linux box at work. Both were running 10.0 Official
> until last night when I have the idea of "UPRMI-installing" 10.1 Official
> to
> them. In my dual boot machine (old Walmart Special Edition HP) everything
> went
> smoothly. In my office machine (a three year old "high-end" Dell desktop)
> things
> went smoothly except the following:
> When I boot the machine, the two first logins hang for about five minutes
> before
> going through. This is not very serious, since I have no reason to boot
> this
> machine too often, but I'd rather have that fixed. Let me describe the
> problem
> in detail in steps.
> 1. Reboot the machine and let X-Windows start
> 2. Login using valid username. Login prompt disappears and nothing happens
> for
> about five minutes
> 3. Wait five minutes and then suddenly the login proceeds as normal.
> There are variations to this theme: I can open a TTY-window (alt-ctl-f1
> etc).
> The first login will hang there too, but opening a second tty-window will
> let
> you login immeadiately. So if I want to login quickly after reboot I have
> login
> three times  and to get to X-windows wait for five minutes). I can also
> boot to
> failsafe mode and still the initial login hangs.
> Has anyone seen anything like this? Actually I have, with the same machine
> and
> 10.0. Back then I ended up reinstalling everything to get rid of this. Now
> I
> would not like to do that. I would be (naturally) happy to provide info
> that
> might be helpful to solve this problem (like info on hardware or content
> of log
> files). I can also live with this problem, but rather not.
> Cheers,
> Saku Aura
If the delay was about 90 seconds, I would suspect that it was a DNS
problem when the system tried to find its host name.  That usualy happens
when you give the system a host name, but do not put an entry for it in
/etc/hosts, and you don't have a full time Internet connection, and no
local name server...

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