On Friday 26 November 2004 06:56 pm, JoeHill wrote:

> Sorry, I'm not familiar with how this would work with skipping the
> Postfix step in the process.
> Perhaps KMail isn't seeing the mail in /var/spool/mail/chris as new mail,
> and so is not delivering it to your inbox? Also, check in the KMail
> config to make sure that the path to your mail spool is correct, I can
> see something like KMail defaulting to /var/mail or something.
> Postfix does not add much 'overhead' to the process, in fact the
> anti-spam processing is going to take up a lot more. Why not save
> yourself the headaches and go with a process that works off the bat?
> Postfix also gives you the opportunity to expand this whole setup in the
> future, as you can see if you read Derek Jennings' howto.
> Anyway, my 2 cents.

Thanks Joe, I'm reading Derek's setup now and configuring as I go.  I'll 
lick this yet....now got any ideas on the other msg I posted regarding 
kdeinit:  dcopserver --nosid --suicide?

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