> Had a PII system at work that started to physically fry itself.
> Removed the hard disk and subsequently found it to be sound .
> In another up to date system I installed winXP and xandos ( will be
> changing to mandrake when I get the boss to 'support' it by actually
> coughing up some cash to help the effort here.)
> Physically installed the win98 hard drive as slave into this system
> before installing linux.
> Lilo recognized win98 OK but when I try to boot into it - no noise at all.
> So I suspect that win98 doesn't understand the new motherboard - maybe.
> What I would like to do is to be able to boot win98 because of some
> propriety software installed there. I am able to see the hard drive and
> all the file system OK so no worries there at present.
> I do know that if I use a rescue disk that I will lose the capability of
> running some of these programs. One thought is to copy the registry (
> when I can remember where it is ) - rescue the win98 installation and
> then rewrite the registry with the saved one. I have been running linux
> ( Mandrake10 Official at present ) for so long now that I have forgotten
> most of this stuff.
> Anyone here been able to get something like this to work?
> And yes, if neseccary I am prepared to install Mandrake over xandros.
> The folk at work like things straight forward and a basic installation
> of Mandrake and KDE will get them using and eventually accepting linux.
> To recap, how can I boot win98 on hdb1 when win98 had been installed
> from a previous hardware system without having to re-install win98?
> --
> Regards
> SnapafunFrank
The problem is that Windows is not on the first hard drive.  Windows 98 is
dumb - it expectes to be on the first primary FAT partition on the first
hard drive.  If it is not, it doesn't know what to do.  You have to make
some changes to your lilo.conf to fool it into thinking it is one the
first drive.  (This is a FAQ...)  Try something like this:


The map commands make Windows think that your second drive is your first
   Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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