Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

H.J.Bathoorn wrote:

On Monday 29 November 2004 15:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The map commands make Windows think that your second drive is your first

On most of the newer BIOS'es you can change the boot order of IDE1 or 2....that way you can boot yer W98 too. Lilo on IDE1 and winboot on IDE2 mbr

In the BIOS I work with, the first IDE drive is IDE0. While changing the boot order in the BIOS would work, you would have to do it each time you want to change the OS you are booting. Now, you could install LILO on the windows drive, but that would be tricky, as Lilo uses the BIOS settings when booting, but it does not know how the BIOS maps the drives when it does the install under Linux. It would probably be about like setting up Lilo on a mixed SCSI/IDE system that boots off the SCSI drive.


Thanks for all the interest and assistance.

To-day at work I was able to get the old Win98 up and running after wading through heaps of re-boots for driver conflicts AND am now able to run the old Netscape Communicator 4.73 and interact with the emails buried therein albeit 'chunky' because of a graphic driver conflict.

The missing component was within lilo.conf [ table=/dev/hdb ]. I need to simply <Enter/Return> at the beginning to get through.

Now back to the ongoing headache of moving the email across to Mozilla running under WinXP to make the boss happy. Then roll on Mandrake. He ( the boss ) is now very interested now he sees things working again because of Linux.

Running Netscape Communicator 4.73 I do not see any means of "Exporting" the email. Elsewhere it was suggested that I "merge" the *.msl files with Mozilla's *.sbd files. Sounded great at the time but I have now discovered that Netscape files are *.snm and I cannot find any *.sbd Mozilla files, only *.xpt.

So any ideas how I can get the 1.2Gigabytes of email moved over to the new system for the boss to use?

Remember I have WinXP AND Linux dual booting OK on the primary hard drive so have options available I hope.

Er... one other point to remember. I will need to be using a compatable email client when within Mandrake also so will need the end result of this first step to WinXP to be compatable for that next step. Still, one step at a time.

For those interested in the relevant entry within lilo.conf :

     map-drive = 0x80
          to = 0x81
     map-drive = 0x81
          to = 0x80

So, if you cannot help me here, I hope this may be of assistance to you in some way.



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