 I had the same problem with a new computer last June. On Aug. 11 or 12,
SiS wrote a Linux driver for SiS530.
 Go to 

 There you will find at the bottom of the page, a readme file, a
compressed file telling you how to configure the driver (gz), and the
SiS530 driver (gz).
 I had to download the driver onto a floppy with IE5 (Netscape didn't
 Then I installed the driver in Linux, using the command line.
 If you have any problems, let me know. I mightbe able to help.


"Anderson A. eMiranda" wrote:
> I can't install config X server on a Pentuim III 450 with a SIS530 VGA onboard,
> even trying Generic VGA. This computer cames with drives for Windowz only.
> Can somebody help?
> regards
> --
> Anderson A. eMiranda

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