Użytkownik Danesh Daroui napisał:

Yeah maybe you are right, but this Mandrake 10.1 really put me into trouble. One time even my system was rendered into totally hanging situation when I selected all packages to be installed, just after installation !!! Also, our testing server could work good (not great) with FC3 but when I installed Mandrake 10.1 just to test, it just crashed and we had only problem. Of course I just wanted to test it to see if it is a good replace to FC3, but as I said Mandrake is more user friendly, but it is totally unstable. I mean Mandrake Community 10.1, at least on my system. It always crashes and many features doesn't work properly such as updating which is critical. I could not install all packages you select to install and I had to select it one by one which wasted my time. I tried to install it on a PIII 933 MHz with 192 MB RAM and 30 GB harddisk. This is not a our server and it is just an old system to test. Anyway, my questions are:

1. Is Mandrake 10.1 Official more stable than Community ? What about Mandrake 10.0 ?

2. I tried to download Mandrake 10.1 Official from Mandrakesoft web site, but the it just forced to be a member in Mandrakeclub which costs. I have no problem to pay, but as I know Mandrakesoft used to strongly encourage users to be member not forced !!! Also, as it says, every year membership should be re-newed. Am I right ? If it is, why there are some unofficial sites which allows people to download ?

3. Our server will be a Web-Server (Apache), Print and Database (MySQL) server with almost 150-250 hits per day and heavy traffic for print and Database manipulation on a high model system of course. Do you think mandrake can handle it or not ? FC3 could.

Again sorry for misunderstanding. I didn't mean it.


Danesh Daroui

1. Yes, Mandrake Official is *much* more stable than Community.
2. Since yesterday Mandrake 10.1 Official is available for everybody on many public servers. The list of servers is here (just press the bottom button on the page to access it):
3. Since both distributionss use almost the same applications, I think that yes.

Wojciech Podgórni

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