> John Bowden wrote:
>>Glad I could be of assistance. You will have to reajust the settings when
> you
>>boot into windoz though.
> John, this time you're wrong:
> with my pleasant surprise, this was not necessary (at least it seems so):
> now I can switch between windoz and linux with the screen perfectly set up
> in both OSs.
> Cheers,
> Rodolfo
Depending on the monitor, and the settings used, the monitor may remember
more then one set of setting for screen size, and position.  This can be
especialy true when you run two different resulations/color depth
settings.  It is nice when it works out that way.  Monitors that only
remember one set of settings can be a pain.  You get things like the
splash screen when booting being off-center, or the command line interface
or command mode not looking right.

There is an X utility for "tweeking" the screen size, and position, but I
can not remember the name.  Usefull for when the monitor tries to use the
same setting for Windows and Linux, and Linux is not full screen.

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