Brian Parish wrote:
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 09:44 am, Anders Lind wrote:

Hello friends,

I have experienced something strange, after upgrading to 10.0 from 9.1 my
CD/DVD-writer has stopped being reckognised as a SCSI-device, cdrecord
-scanbus gives me this info:

scsidev: 'ATA'
devname: 'ATA'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
Warning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd* interface.
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version
(warly-scsi-linux-sg.c-1.80-mdk '@(#)scsi-linux-sg.c  1.80 04/03/08
Copyright 1997 J. Schilling'). scsibus1:
       1,0,0   100) '_NEC    ' 'DVD+RW ND-1100A ' '1.80' Removable CD-ROM
       1,1,0   101) *
       1,2,0   102) *
       1,3,0   103) *
       1,4,0   104) *
       1,5,0   105) *
       1,6,0   106) *
       1,7,0   107) *

there are no /dev/sg after what I can see in the treesystem and no
/dev/scd0 either, interestingly enough it seems that X-CD-Roast seems to
reckognise the burner as a burner but refuses to burn with it. Gnometoaster
just give me the errormessage to do the scanbus. I suspect I am missing
something somewhere, but I am not sure what...or maybe I do, it seems also
that I have a append = "hdc=ide-scsi" in lilo.conf as well, I am at a loss


If you are using the default 2.6 kernel, then scsi emulation is no longer required or supported. Remove the ide-scsi stuff from lilo and expect the burner apps to see the drive as hdc (or whatever depending on the number of drives you have).


Hi Guys,

getting into the debate a little late but this info from the xcdroast site seems relevant:

Linux Kernel 2.6.8 broke CD-Writing:
I had several reports that the last 2.6.x kernel broke CD-Writing using the ATAPI driver. Don't update if you want to continue to use X-CD-Roast, or switch back
to SCSI-emulation.

It's a pity that I had to trash 3 cds before I found out about this. From what has been said here, I gather that SCSI emulation is no longer an option. So what's the best way of writing CDs now? My burner is the âOPTORITECD-RW CW5201 if that matters.

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