i think its time for me to inflict this article on this list:
i wait to be hung drawn and quartered!

On Friday 17 December 2004 07:47, Erylon Hines wrote:
> On Thursday 16 December 2004 12:13 pm, Russ Kepler wrote:
> | On Thursday 16 December 2004 12:03 pm, Amy wrote:
> | > Granted a lot of court cases turn into a three ring circus here in the
> | > states, but the McDonalds coffee case isn't nearly so much of one as
> | > the media has made it out to be.
> |
> | Yeah, it was.  It also happened to be at a McDonalds about 1 city block
> | away so I'm quite aware of the facts in the case.
> |
> | > The reason the lady won the case? It wasn't just normally hot coffee,
> | > she got ~third degree burns~ from the frellin' stuff. McDonalds used
> | > to serve their coffee extremely hot, so much so that it was way above
> | > whatever temperature they were legally allowed to. No one ever said
> | > anything about it before then, because most people don't touch their
> | > coffee right away, so they'd let it cool down a little bit, and get to
> | > it later, and it'd be just about perfect.
> |
> | Sorry, but I have to call you on this one.  Coffee makers make coffee by
> | boiling water and putting the boiling water through the coffee grounds.
> | The boiling point of water is pretty much fixed by the altitude (around
> | here it boils at 202 degF) so the temperature of the coffee is going to
> | be the same no matter what percolater it comes out of.
> This is actually not the way it is.  Measure the temperature of your coffee
> makers coffee sometime--mine is 160-165 degrees.  That is set by a
> thermostat inside the maker--and yes, I used to be a repairman for
> commercial cooking equipment, including coffee makers--the type that
> restaraunts use.  The therm is not normally set at 180 degrees, much less
> at boiling.
> The way I remember the case (from a Slashdot discussion, I think), is that
> local McDonald's managers had complained to upper management, in writing,
> that the coffee was being brewed so hot that it was softening the take-out
> cups.  Upper management decreed (in writing, to their later sorrow) that
> the machines would continue to be set at 180 degrees because more cups
> could be brewed from a pound of ground with the hotter water.  This
> correspondence was submitted as evidence.
> | I think that McDonalds was being 'burned' by the bad publicity and didn't
> | much defend the case, nor went with an appeal.  The original judgement
> | was reduced considerably in any event, but the final terms are private so
> | we'll likely never know what they were.
> No, they got burned with their own correspondence.  The amount of the
> punitive damages award was a calculation of how much money they made from
> brewing the coffee at a higher temperature.

"the riddle which man must solve, he can only solve in being, in 
being what he is and not something else...."

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