i am one of the moderators of the nettime lista nd i thought i should pass 
this on for everyones info - provˇbably just to show our linux colelgues in 
south asia are active right now


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: <nettime> Tsunami updates... from BytesForAll list
Date: Monday 27 December 2004 20:28
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: NETTIME-L@bbs.thing.net


From:  "Samudra E. Haque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon Dec 27, 2004  9:17 pm
Subject:  Re: [bytesforall_readers] Pls. submit
 information/experiences/reports on Tsunami at bytesforall.net

Hi group, in light of the interest in post-Tsunami disaster mitigation
projects, just so that it is on record, the SEANET (South East Asia Network
 of Amatuer Radio Operators) meets on HF Frequency 14.320 MHz +/- QRM every
 day at 1200Z (1200 GMT, 1800 Bangladesh) for many years now on USB - Upper
 Side Band. The purpose of the network is to share first medical
 traffic/civil emergency traffic and the net controller usually rotates the
 discussion with all the countries that have access to the range of the HF
 signal, typically from West Asia through to East Asia and the Pacific in a
 very wide circle as appropriate to the radio wave propogation. In 30 minutes
 the net controller canvasses all regions and asks for medical/emergency
 traffic and if there is none, any other traffic (messages) for operators in
 other countries. There is no prior requirement to participate, nor is it
 obligatory - and it is really for the enthuisasts at this point more than
 any other use. However it is open as per regulatory laws worldwide to
 Licensed radio amateur operators - anywhere.

Now, this may sound antiquated in the era of the internet, but is very very
appropriate for disaster mitigation networks where you know for sure,
absolutely sure, double sure, that the radio network is working fine and will
work on the day that youwill need it, it only requires a 12V cell battery to
power up a radio transmitter/receiver in a manner to reach thousands' of
 miles away your party who can send help or send messages.

I have participated before in such efforts, sadly this time am unable to do
 so due to other issue - and it takes time and efforts on a purely volunteer
 basis in order to reach out and help someone. There are thousands of radio
 amateurs with sets around Asia - Pacific, and they need to be encouraged to
 help out, and for those who still have connectivity to the 'net, they can
 act as a 'bridge' between civil and commercial and emergency worlds.

However, it also requires planning in advance to be really effective, if you
have lost battery power, and won't get back your mains electricity for a few
days - you may end up being dead yourself. So if you permit an emergency task
force kit to be setup so which can be AIRLIFTED, they can have a remote power
pack, transceiver kit and a emergency communications handbook in order to
 send coded e-mail messages and act as a controller which can take on the
 civil emergencies coordination role - you will need training to use this
 stuff, and you will have to have lists of appropriate license holders who
 are registered volunteers with proper mindset to help out.

-samudra, S21X & N3RDX


From:  "Subbiah Arunachalam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon Dec 27, 2004  6:15 pm
Subject:  A timely telephone call saves lives


A former MSSRF knowledge centre volunteer, Mr Vijayakumar of Nallavadu (a
coastal village in Pondicherry), did a wonderful thing. He received some
training with the help of MSSRF(as a village knowledge centre volunteer) and
now lives and works in Singapore. As soon as the tsunami reached Singapore
 and he came to know that it was moving towards India, he called people at
 Nallavadu by telphone and alerted them. People living in huts close to the
 shore moved out immediately. Not a single life was lost in this village. Our
 heart felt and grateful thanks to Mr Vijaykumar.

Here is the latest news release on the tsunami tragedy.

[Subbiah Arunachalam]

Frederick Noronha         784 Near Convent, Sonarbhat SALIGAO GOA India
Freelance Journalist      TEL: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net       http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks
fred at bytesforall.org   http://www.bytesforall.org

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