I'm pretty sure I'm buggered this time around, but maybe someone here can help 
me spot my error for next time:

Situation: Needed Windows on my computer to run some commercial games with my 
family; Cedega isn't cutting it. So fine; my 3-year-old Linux only system is 
going to be dual-boot *melodramatic sigh*. I reinstall the old 20GB HD as the 
Master, set the 40GB as slave, and plot this out:
1) Install Windows2000 on the 20GB HD (hda), leaving a 250MB partition 
*before* it for /boot to eventually go onto. Windows apparently formats this 
as C and installs Windows on the D: partition immediately after it. So far so 
good, except that my motherboard drivers try to auto-install onto C:. Don't 
need 'em...
2) Immediately install Mandrake 10.0 again onto the 40GB HD (hdb), but 
put /boot on that first small partition of hda (formatted ext3). 
2.1) I partitioned off a  FAT32 /gaming/ chunk on the second half of hda, and 
linux's /tmp on the end of hda. hdb consists of / and /home and swap. All's 
running according to expectations, which means the system now recognizes 
Linux and doesn't even realize Windows is there anymore.

At this point two exciting things make themselves known:
a) The 512 bytes of ntbootloader on "C:" or /boot have been reformatted and 
overwritten, and Do Not Exist anymore. Oops.
b) Fo whatever reason, my floppy drive doesn't work, which makes creating a 
bootdisk for *either* OS at this point really exciting... it is running and 
running and running, like it's always mounted. This may be related to it 
having its power cord unhooked when I installed the OS'es, but you'd think it 
would have fixed that oversight after a reboot (post power-cord being plugged 
back in, of course).

So my question is, how badly have I screwed up? Assuming I *can* get a 
bootdisk to run on Linux, is it possible to do a Windows rescue, overwrite 
that first section with FAT32 again, then copy/edit the /boot sector over it? 
Can your /boot sector for linux even *be* in FAT32?? According to my 
partition table, it still thinks that C: is the "active" partition for boot 
purposes, but somehow linux believes "D:" to be an extended/logical 
partition? How did that occur, when "D:" is now the 'oldest' partition on 
either drive?? partition tables are below if you're morbidly curious....

I apologize if this sounds stupid, I'm just working on my 3rd day of wrestling 
with this thing, and I'm willing to reinstall if that's what it takes, but I 
don't want to screw it up another time (this'll be my 4th & 5th OS install in 
10 days)...


$h = [
         'info' => undef,
         'normal' => [
                         'options' => 'defaults',
                         'start_cyl' => 0,
                         'size' => 514017,
                         'start_head' => 1,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/boot',
                         'active' => 128,
                         'minor' => 1,
                         'device' => 'hda1',
                         'start_sec' => 1,
                         'end_head' => 254,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '2',
                         'freq' => '1',
                         'end_sec' => 63,
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_cyl' => 31,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                         'type' => 1155,
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 63
         'nb_special_empty' => 0,
         'extended' => {
                         'active' => 0,
                         'device' => 'hda2',
                         'start_cyl' => 32,
                         'size' => 38588130,
                         'start_sec' => 1,
                         'end_head' => 254,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'start_head' => 0,
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'type' => 15,
                         'start' => 514080
         'raw' => [
                      'active' => 0,
                      'device' => 'hda3',
                      'start_cyl' => 0,
                      'size' => 0,
                      'start_sec' => 0,
                      'end_head' => 0,
                      'devfs_device' => 'ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part3',
                      'start_head' => 0,
                      'end_sec' => 0,
                      'end_cyl' => 0,
                      'type' => 0,
                      'start' => 0
                      'active' => 0,
                      'device' => 'hda4',
                      'start_cyl' => 0,
                      'size' => 0,
                      'start_sec' => 0,
                      'end_head' => 0,
                      'devfs_device' => 'ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part4',
                      'start_head' => 0,
                      'end_sec' => 0,
                      'end_cyl' => 0,
                      'type' => 0,
                      'start' => 0
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                         'options' => 
                         'start_cyl' => 32,
                         'size' => 16386237,
                         'start_head' => 1,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/mnt/win_d',
                         'active' => 0,
                         'device_windobe' => 'C',
                         'minor' => 5,
                         'device' => 'hda5',
                         'start_sec' => 1,
                         'end_head' => 254,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '0',
                         'freq' => '0',
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                         'type' => '11',
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 514143
           'start_cyl' => 32,
           'size' => 38588130,
           'start_head' => 0,
           'info' => undef,
           'active' => 0,
           'nb_special_empty' => 0,
           'start_sec' => 1,
           'end_head' => 254,
           'end_sec' => 255,
           'rootDevice' => 'hda',
           'end_cyl' => 255,
           'type' => 15,
           'start' => 514080,
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                           'active' => 0,
                           'start_cyl' => 255,
                           'size' => 19454715,
                           'start_sec' => 255,
                           'end_head' => 254,
                           'start_head' => 254,
                           'end_sec' => 255,
                           'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                           'end_cyl' => 255,
                           'type' => 5,
                           'start' => 16900380
           'raw' => [
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
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                         'options' => 
                         'start_cyl' => 255,
                         'size' => 19454652,
                         'start_head' => 254,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/gaming',
                         'active' => 0,
                         'device_windobe' => 'D',
                         'minor' => 6,
                         'device' => 'hda6',
                         'start_sec' => 255,
                         'end_head' => 254,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '0',
                         'freq' => '0',
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                         'type' => '11',
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 16900443
           'start_cyl' => 255,
           'size' => 19454715,
           'start_head' => 254,
           'info' => undef,
           'active' => 0,
           'nb_special_empty' => 0,
           'start_sec' => 255,
           'end_head' => 254,
           'end_sec' => 255,
           'rootDevice' => 'hda',
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           'type' => 5,
           'start' => 16900380,
           'extended' => {
                           'active' => 0,
                           'start_cyl' => 255,
                           'size' => 2747115,
                           'start_sec' => 255,
                           'end_head' => 254,
                           'start_head' => 254,
                           'end_sec' => 255,
                           'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                           'end_cyl' => 255,
                           'type' => 5,
                           'start' => 36355095
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                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
           'normal' => {
                         'options' => 'defaults',
                         'start_cyl' => 255,
                         'size' => 2747052,
                         'start_head' => 254,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/tmp',
                         'active' => 0,
                         'minor' => 7,
                         'device' => 'hda7',
                         'start_sec' => 255,
                         'end_head' => 254,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '2',
                         'freq' => '1',
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hda',
                         'type' => 1155,
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 36355158
           'start_cyl' => 255,
           'size' => 2747115,
           'start_head' => 254,
           'info' => undef,
           'active' => 0,
           'nb_special_empty' => 0,
           'start_sec' => 255,
           'end_head' => 254,
           'end_sec' => 255,
           'rootDevice' => 'hda',
           'end_cyl' => 255,
           'type' => 5,
           'start' => 36355095,
           'extended' => undef,
           'raw' => [
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
$h->[0]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[0]{'normal'}[0];
$h->[0]{'raw'}[1] = $h->[0]{'extended'};
$h->[1][0]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[1][0]{'normal'};
$h->[1][0]{'raw'}[1] = $h->[1][0]{'extended'};
$h->[1][1]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[1][1]{'normal'};
$h->[1][1]{'raw'}[1] = $h->[1][1]{'extended'};
$h->[1][2]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[1][2]{'normal'};

$h = [
         'info' => undef,
         'normal' => [
                         'options' => 'defaults',
                         'start_cyl' => 0,
                         'size' => 18036081,
                         'start_head' => 1,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/',
                         'active' => 128,
                         'minor' => 65,
                         'device' => 'hdb1',
                         'start_sec' => 1,
                         'end_head' => 15,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '1',
                         'freq' => '1',
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
                         'type' => 1155,
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 63
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         'extended' => {
                         'active' => 0,
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                         'size' => 51198336,
                         'start_sec' => 255,
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                         'start_head' => 15,
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                         'type' => 5,
                         'start' => 18036144
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                      'device' => 'hdb3',
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                      'size' => 0,
                      'start_sec' => 0,
                      'end_head' => 0,
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                      'start_head' => 0,
                      'end_sec' => 0,
                      'end_cyl' => 0,
                      'type' => 0,
                      'start' => 0
                      'active' => 0,
                      'device' => 'hdb4',
                      'start_cyl' => 0,
                      'size' => 0,
                      'start_sec' => 0,
                      'end_head' => 0,
                      'devfs_device' => 'ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/part4',
                      'start_head' => 0,
                      'end_sec' => 0,
                      'end_cyl' => 0,
                      'type' => 0,
                      'start' => 0
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                         'options' => 'defaults',
                         'start_cyl' => 255,
                         'size' => 40959009,
                         'start_head' => 15,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => '/home',
                         'active' => 0,
                         'minor' => 69,
                         'device' => 'hdb5',
                         'start_sec' => 255,
                         'end_head' => 15,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '2',
                         'freq' => '1',
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
                         'type' => 1155,
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 18036207
           'start_cyl' => 255,
           'size' => 51198336,
           'start_head' => 15,
           'info' => undef,
           'active' => 0,
           'nb_special_empty' => 0,
           'start_sec' => 255,
           'end_head' => 15,
           'end_sec' => 255,
           'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
           'end_cyl' => 255,
           'type' => 5,
           'start' => 18036144,
           'extended' => {
                           'active' => 0,
                           'start_cyl' => 255,
                           'size' => 10239264,
                           'start_sec' => 255,
                           'end_head' => 15,
                           'start_head' => 15,
                           'end_sec' => 255,
                           'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
                           'end_cyl' => 255,
                           'type' => 5,
                           'start' => 58995216
           'raw' => [
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
           'normal' => {
                         'options' => 'defaults',
                         'start_cyl' => 255,
                         'size' => 10239201,
                         'start_head' => 15,
                         'isFormatted' => 1,
                         'mntpoint' => 'swap',
                         'active' => 0,
                         'minor' => 70,
                         'device' => 'hdb6',
                         'start_sec' => 255,
                         'end_head' => 15,
                         'devfs_device' => 
                         'passno' => '0',
                         'freq' => '0',
                         'end_sec' => 255,
                         'comment' => undef,
                         'end_cyl' => 255,
                         'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
                         'type' => 130,
                         'isMounted' => 1,
                         'major' => 3,
                         'start' => 58995279
           'start_cyl' => 255,
           'size' => 10239264,
           'start_head' => 15,
           'info' => undef,
           'active' => 0,
           'nb_special_empty' => 0,
           'start_sec' => 255,
           'end_head' => 15,
           'end_sec' => 255,
           'rootDevice' => 'hdb',
           'end_cyl' => 255,
           'type' => 5,
           'start' => 58995216,
           'extended' => undef,
           'raw' => [
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
                        'active' => 0,
                        'start_cyl' => 0,
                        'size' => 0,
                        'start_sec' => 0,
                        'end_head' => 0,
                        'start_head' => 0,
                        'end_sec' => 0,
                        'end_cyl' => 0,
                        'type' => 0,
                        'start' => 0
$h->[0]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[0]{'normal'}[0];
$h->[0]{'raw'}[1] = $h->[0]{'extended'};
$h->[1][0]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[1][0]{'normal'};
$h->[1][0]{'raw'}[1] = $h->[1][0]{'extended'};
$h->[1][1]{'raw'}[0] = $h->[1][1]{'normal'};

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