On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 23:26:56 -0800
Amy disseminated the following:

> or reply all and share with the list.

Just to make sure people are aware, this is in fact *not* the standard way.
'Reply List' is the appropriate method, wherein one copy of the mail is sent to
the list. 'Reply All' is a Bad Thing, at least on lists, sending a copy to the
list *and* to the OP.

A lot of people don't like getting two copies of every post to a list, and can
get right peeved about it.

As has been discussed at length in other threads, most mailers can be set to
override one person's reply-to settings automatically and default to the list
instead (and *only* the list).

JoeHill / RLU #282046 / www.freeyourmachine.org
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"The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants
and aliens, the more you control all the people" -- Noam Chomsky 

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