Just installed the Kernel 2.2.13-22mdk from the /Updates folder of a Mandrake
mirror. All works as before, except that when I start kppp as a regular user, I
get a message that this kernel does not support ppp, and that I should consult
the sysadmin (me) or recompile the kernel with ppp support or as a module. I
click the "OK" button and kppp starts as usual from here, but doing this each
time I log on is a hassle. If anyone can explain whats up I'd be gratefull.

Note: When I run /sbin/lsmod I get the following:

Module                  Size  Used by
ppp                    20908   2  (autoclean)
slhc                    4312   1  (autoclean) [ppp]
autofs                  9380   1  (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1           2052   4  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               3548   4  (autoclean)
vfat                   11100   4  (autoclean)
fat                    33664   4  (autoclean) [vfat]
opl3                   14312   0
cs4232                  2440   0
ad1848                 24592   0  [cs4232]
uart401                 6448   0  [cs4232]
sound                  66072   0  [opl3 cs4232 ad1848 uart401]
soundlow                 304   0  [sound]
soundcore               4004   5  [sound]                                       

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks as if a ppp module is loaded. Guess
I'm still a real newbie, 'cause I'm confused!


The measure of a man is in his honor ...

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