On Sunday 13 February 2005 02:19 pm, RickSisler wrote:
> Greg Meyer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Sunday 13 February 2005 01:25 pm, RickSisler wrote:
> > > Hi Greg, Thx for pkg'ing these, seems to work fine !
> > >
> > > What output engine do you guys recommend ? I have all of my files as
> > > mp3. aRts works with no problems, but I was just curious 8)
> >
> > My personal preference is xine because it handles streams better, but
> > crossfading doesn't work with xine, so if you like crossfading, gstreamer
> > is the way to go.  If you can get dmix going, which is a way to do
> > software mixing without apps like arts, you can have amaroK use xine or
> > gst and still leave arts running for systems notifications and stuff.
> > --
> > /g
> Thx Greg, switched to xine, crossfading is ok, but I can live
> without it. Kinda wanted to get away from aRts since I don't run
> KDE. Running Fluxbox actually, and I was using Juk, tho' now being a
> convert to amarok, it reminds me of Musicmatch .. on the other OS.
> They did a nice job on it, I like the cover manager, nice work ;)
> Never had that before ..
amaroK is written to integrate with the KDE environment, but lots of people 
run it on flux, xfce or even gnome.  it requires libqt3 and kdelibs, but 
that's pretty much it.  The guys that developed it have created a really cool 
app that IMHO runs rings around anything else that currently exists.

> Have you used it to rip cd's or do you use Grip for that ?
amaroK is not capable of ripping ATM, and quite frankly, I have not found 
anything else to be Grip's equal for the job it does.

I am a big fan of do one thing and do it really well apps.  I really hate the 
tendency a lot of apps are starting to adopt to try and do everything.

There is some talk of making amaroK support video playback and I am not in 
favor of that.  amaroK shouldn't become an operating system, it should be the 
best audio player it can be.

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