I usually run two distrobutions on a 8.4 meg hd. An even split gives 2.5
gig to /  1.5  gig to /home and the balance in swap.  When you reinstall
or upgrade you only have to worry about /

Benjamin wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I will be reinstalling my Mandrake 6.1 from CD in a day or two. I would
> appreciate advice on how to make a /home partition.
> [Specs: AMD K6-2 400 Mhrtz, 128 megs of RAM]
> Currently, I have an all-Linux system consisting of two hard drives: hda
> (4.3 gig) for the Linux system and hdb for my storage needs (3.2 gig).
> Both drives are Linux native ext2 drives. Plus a swap drive of 128 meg.
> Obviously, I do not want to do anything with my hdb drive.
> So, the question is how to partition my main hda 4.3 drive? I have up
> until now been partitioning my hda using DiskDruid by simply letting the
> entire hda become my / directory  (by selecting hda1, "1" and "growing"
> from the Disk Druid partition options (while hdb is my /bs directory).
> The problem, of course, is that each time I reinstalled Red Hat or, now
> Mandrake, I lost my /home/sher directory and everything in it.
> If I could separate my /home/sher from my regular Linux installation,
> would that allow me in the future to install, upgrade or reinstall
> Mandrake and keep my /home/sher directory separate and intact? If so,
> could someone suggest specifically how to go about doing it. I am sure
> it's simple, but I want to make sure I am doing the right thing. Should
> I have not two (hda1 and swap file) but three partitions on hda (hda1,
> /home and swap)? If so, how do I do the math here. Just what do I need
> to do?
> Thank you so much.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net

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